Ps Store Says To Download Game That Wasn't Purchased

[PS4] Can't play GoT Ep 2. Everything was fine. Until I tried to play episode 2. The episode selection says that ep 2 is 'not installed'. The in-game store menu says I've purchased episode 2, but it's not downloaded. Ps store says it's installed. Within the game, it says it's not! I've tried to give as much details as. Do you own your PSN downloads? Of course if you keep your PS4, Download what ever games you want and then take it off the internet, then your'll always have them games, but as long as your.

Can you delete a game purchased from the Playstation store then re-install without a subscription at a later date?

Cuan Cuan

2 Answers

If you delete a digital game that you have purchased through the PSN, you can redownload it from the store as long as you are logged into the account that purchased it initially. I constantly delete and redownload games depending on what I feel like playing, as I do not have enough storage space on my PS4 to hold all of the things I have purchased digitally, so I can confirm this myself.

As a side note, PS+ is never required to access content that you have purchased, however, content given for free as a bonus for being a Playstation+ member will expire if your subscription expires and you will lose access to it.

To see games that you own (downloaded or not), look at your library. It will have all of the software you have licenses for. See here:

Where to find your PlayStation Store purchases

Your most recently downloaded full games are added to the content launcher. If your purchase is not visible on the content launcher, you can find it in your [Library]. Your Library is arranged with all content grouped together, so if you have purchased DLC, go to the main title to find it.

Here is some confirmation of this:

Anything you've ever purchased is tied to your PSN account, so you can redownload any time you need.

There are several ways to re-download, but the easiest is to pull up your download history in the Store.

Play Store

Here are the official Sony instructions on how to download digital copies of games.

How to download from the PS4 Library

  1. Select your local user account and go to [Library].
  2. Select the game or add-on you want to download (add-ons are in a ‘folder’ with the main title).
  3. Select ‘Download’ on the content screen.

As mentioned by Joe W, if the game has been removed from the store, you will not be able to re-download it once it has been deleted.

The only example I can think of like this is the Silent Hills demo P.T. that only a select number of users still have, since the demo was removed from the store and made unavailable for redownload.

  • Launch the PS Store
  • Go to the very bottom of the page
  • There should be a button saying 'Purchased'
  • Select it and pick game you want to download

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Sony has a dedicated PSN (Playstation Network) store across many countries worldwide. However, content, prices and offers/specials vary from country to country outside the US. Depending on where you live, games might not be available in your home country at all or are far more expensive. Generally speaking, the US PSN store has the greatest variety in games and deals – so I would highly recommend to start using it. There are also some cases where websites like Amazon, G2A or GameDealDaily sell digital codes which are even cheaper than the PSN Store itself. In the following I’ll explain the following things:

  1. How to setup an US PSN account
  2. How to purchase prepaid credit
  3. Special: PlayStation game vouchers & digital codes
  4. How to play US PSN games on your regular account

This guide applies for all countries. It does not matter if you’re in the UK, Germany or Australia. It’s time to get advantage of this and get great deals on PS4 games.

How to setup an US PSN account

The first step in this guide is to create an account in the US PSN account. This can either be done on your PS4 or on the PSN website. The account is created based on your address, so the first step you have to take is find yourself an address in the US. If you have friends or family living there, just ask them if you can use their address. If not, I would simply suggest to find yourself an address online and enter it. Special tip: Take an address located somewhere in one of the five US states that don’t have sales tax: Alaska, Montana, New Hampshire, Delaware or Oregon. You can get an address using Borderlinx or simply lookup something up on Google Maps. Hotels or residential areas work best in my experience. Now that we have an address, take the following steps to create the actual account:

  1. Log of your PSN account on your PS4
  2. Select New User and “New to PSN? Create an Account”
  3. Chose “Sign Up Now”
  4. Select United States as country, enter your birth date
  5. Next, enter the address that you researched before
  6. Follow the menu. Tip: When you’re using gmail, you can simply add or remove a . somewhere in the email address and it will still go trough (e.g. [email protected] -> [email protected])
  7. Follow the next steps (mostly settings). Verify your email and you’re done

That’s it already. You know have an account with which you can buy games in the US PSN store. However, in most cases you won’t be able to pay for something because your PayPal account / email address does not match the address as defined in your PSN account. In the next step I’ll show you how to circumvent this.

How to purchase prepaid credit

Getting prepaid credit for your US PSN account is actually quite easy. The only thing you need is to go to and purchase digital PSN credit which is available from $10.00 to $100.00. I would personally recommend to buy the prepaid codes below $50.00 as higher ones seem to take longer to be delivered.

Shortly after purchasing the code you’ll receive an email with it or can simply copy it from the Amazon website. Now go to this website and enter the code there. You’re obviously also able to add the code on your Playstation4. That’s it. Your US PSN account is now charged with credit and you can start buying games.

Where to buy digital US PSN Codes when Amazon does not work

Depending on your credit card company, it is possible that your credit card gets rejected and you’re not able to buy credit. It’s also possible that you don’t have a credit card and want to use something different like PayPal or directly from your bank account with providers like iDeal, Skrill or even bitcoin. Luckily, there is a great website called G2A that offers an awesome and fast way to purchase digital US PSN codes or PlayStation Plus subscriptions. In fact, the website also offers prepaid credit for other countries like Canada, Spain or Germany.

While on G2A, you’re able to buy credit from different providers for different prices. However, to be fully saved I would recommend to stick with G2A itself and not some random marketplace seller, even if the price might be even better. There’s also a preselected buyers protection called G2Shield which I wouldn’t recommend getting incase you’re buying from G2A directly.

Download Games For Windows 7

Special: Game vouchers & digital codes

Ps Store Says To Download Game That Wasn't Purchased To Itunes

While buying games directly on PSN is great, there are also cases where you can directly purchase a game code on other websites. Afterwards, you only have to redeem the code using your PlayStation or the PSN account website. The two best sources for digital codes are Amazon (again) and GameDealDaily. Both offer great deals and are sometimes cheaper than PSN itself.

How to play US PSN games on your regular account

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While you’re now able to play the games on your PS4, they’re currently restricted to your US PSN account. Luckily, there is a way to play the US games on your regular PS account. This also includes multiplayer and getting Trophies. The play simply behaves like any other game – no matter where you purchased it. The solution to this problem is to define your PS4 as the primary console in the US PSN account. Because of this, everything that you purchase on your US PSN account is shared with the other accounts on the PS4.

Here are the steps that you have to take: Select [PSN] > [Activate as Your Primary PS4] > [Activate]. Afterwards, switch back to your regular PSN account. You can now play all games from there.